Monday, January 3, 2011

Ok, you know something true? I dare you to disagree on this one. The most real thing there is. is love. It's been so romanticized and exaggerated that we kind of feel stupid thinking about it, but if I know one thing to be true, it is that love is real. Surely there are several variations of love, but that is not the point. The point is that there is love here, and if you have nowhere else to look, look to love. Find love, because even when your world falls down around you, even when you watch your friends' worlds fall down around them, even when you feel completely alone, and even when there are no relationships left to turn to, there is love. Thinking about my future is like staring at the sun. When you stare at the sun, it hurts, and it kind of worries you, but you know there's always going to be good light coming from it. When I think about my future, I do get worried, and it does hurt in a way, but I know there will always be love in it.
Love lifts us up. Love is no trick. Love is what we are for. Not love of the game, but rather, broken love, that really is what everything is about.

There is a saying from the Bible that goes: "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Well I think that if anything defines my year for me, it is that verse. God took a lot away from my life. He took my absolute favorite thing to do (run), He took Mrs. Sample, He took my preferred job oppurtunities, and He took my self confidence. All of this, and I feel like I have more now than I ever had. I think it's much easier for me to enter the kingdom now, and I think that this is proof that what He has really given me is perspective. Global perspective, yes, but also a delightfully fresh perspective on my life (in relation to His mercy and majesty). What He really did was give me a fully-functioning body, a great role model, contentment, and He gave me humility. Thank you is an understatement.

No resolutions this year, only love.

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