Saturday, October 29, 2011

My parents paid for a photographer that we know to take my senior pictues a couple weeks ago. She did a great job. This one is my favorite because I love my worn out shoes .
I have an issue with keeping shoes forever. I don't want to let them go, I want to wear them until they disintegrate. Let me tell you why.
1) I don't want to waste. If the shoe fits-why buy another pair?
2) I can be picky about shoes and sometimes have trouble finding replacements that I like.
3) I love love love having shoes that tell my story. I love dirt and grime, and getting all messed up so that I can be cleaned again. I like seeing the threads in my shoes because, to me, that says "you've done something, Lydia. you've been places. you've worked hard." And in the end, that's what I want my life to say.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Walk on, Little Darling.
Your tears run down my shoulder.
It breaks my heart
Over and over.
I hate seeing you like this,
Knowing that it only gets harder.
You didn't know that all the bad in the world is so painful;
Adults do such a good job of hiding it.
It's not fair that no one warned you
It's not fair that that would not have helped.
Your tears fall onto my shoulder
My sweatshirt soaks them up.
I am watching you discover all the things that tore me up.
Not long ago, I was you.
I was the one with the tears in my eyes,
With my heart being split in two by a new,
A cruel feeling.
Death, pain, grief, turmoil,
It all paralyzes you.
Paralyzes your emotions,
Paralyzes your thoughts.
You have to go on.
You have to look up.
I am here for you forever
But I cannot take it all away.
Face the world with a rainbow in your heart.
Walk on, battered but not diminished.
Little darling, life is going to scar you.
It has distressed my body and soul in the same way.
Every one is going to hurt you,
Like Bob warns us,
You just have to decide who is worth it.
You're worth it to me
So tell me what you need to,
Keep hidden what you don't.
I am not looking for a good story.
I don't want to be in the middle of things.
Tell me when you need me
And I will be gone when you don't.
I will let you down
But in your heart you know that He won't.
So walk on, Little Darling.
Walk with your heart in His hands
And thrive.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sure, we are young.
Yes, there are things we do not know or understand.
Of course life is going to be hard.
That does not give anyone a right to tell us we can't, to say that we must do a certain something.
Our lives are just that: our lives.
We have a right to make our own mistakes.
How will we learn if we never live?
Independence is hard, but it's something we all have a right to pursue.
Why do youcomplain as if life is a punishment?
Why do you act like you had nothing to do with making your life what it is?
I see, I know, I can tell.
Your decisions decide your destiny.
Maybe even your happiness.
Do not try and re-write your story through me.
Stifling us will not give you a second chance.
Only you can do that.

It's time for change; why shouldn't we want it?


These are my new coloured pencils! I am so blessed to have the money to buy them for my own use. I'm working on a drawing for my Grandma's Christmas present! Shhhhh