Friday, October 8, 2010

I've figured out that inspiration is everywhere. I've heard that quite a few times, but now I've learned it.
I was watching Miami Ink (this suhweet show on Green channel and TLC about a tattoo studio in Miami)the other day, and I could not stop watching it, because the art and the artists were so phenomenal. For some reason I haven't actually thought about tattooing as it's own art form before. I've always just lumped it with drawing and painting. Big mistake. Tattooes have a distinct style about them. Kind of dark, and flowy. They're beautiful. And the artists themselves seem like cool people (given this is a TV show, not everyday life). Anyway, the tats on the show inspired me to try all different kinds of lettering and sort of in-your-face graphics. That led me to teach myself graffiti. It's very fun. Above is an example of what I've been doing.
Life is a learning experience, isn't it?

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