Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There's a Coldplay song that goes: "If you could see your future/inside a glass of water....".

I often think about that one part of the song. I don't know why it has stuck with me, but it has. I haven't listened to the song in ages, I know that it's on my ipod (hurrah for free downloads), I just don't know what it's called. Anyway, I sing it all the time, I even painted it the other day, but I've never thought about this phrase. If you could see your future, inside a glass of water. Crazy.
Just imagine, there, sitting at a bar (I don't know who drinks water in a bar, or why this vision took place there...), looking down into a glass of water. Clear water. And in it you see your future. Holy smokes. There's your future right in front of you. Its clarity is astounding. Every moment of your future is as clear to you as letters in the dictionary. You can swirl it if you are brave enough, but are you? Does it need to be swirled? Or is every droplet perfectly in place?

What if you saw yourself dying in a car crash tomorrow? Would you swirl the water? Or would you face that terrifying prospect head-on?

What if none of your dreams came true in that glass? What if you see your life ending at the ripe old age of 88, losing a slow battle for your health, never really having accomplished anything? Would you be bold, audacious even, and change the future that has been given you? Or would you be brave and have the grace and faith enough to let it happen the way that it's displayed before your eyes?

I wouldn't swirl it. I wouldn't even look, because death doesn't unnerve me. Life does.


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