Thursday, June 3, 2010

I've been thinking about time lately. Time is drifting away just like the clouds rapidly drift away when it is windy. Right now, I'm seeing the clouds of my time practically run by.

I have two years left of high school. Let me say that again, TWO (2!!!) years. Holy crackers and cheese. My life as I know it will be drastically changing in two years. I'm excited, don't get me wrong...but I'm sad. So sad about the people I'll be leaving behind. You see, I've been homeschooled all my life and I've always enjoyed it for the most part, but since these last couple of years I've really loved being homeschooled. I love my friends. I love the people of my class (2012!). I can't tell you how much they mean to me. I am determined to make these next two years of friendship beautiful, lovely friendships. My desire is to have as many as possible stand the test of time. Now, I know that not all of them will last (I'm not naive in that way), but I want to pour into these people's lives. I want to remember be part of their lives.

It's so sad to me when I think about the life after high school...a life without these people. I am looking forward to going out into the world and making new friendships and living my life. I am sad about leaving behind these people who matter to me. These people I've grown up with, I mean really have grown up with them. These friends who make me laugh, you know who you are. These friend who are there when I cry, you know who you are. These people who sometimes just drive me crazy, but without whom life would be drastically different; you probably don't know who you are...but that's okay. Lastly, these friends...these friends who I have grown so closely with that I share and talk so freely with about my hopes, dreams, and my future. I'm going to miss you.

I know this sounds like I'm gonna go off and die, or never see you ever again...but it's been on my heart, and my mind lately. All of you mean the world to me. Some in different ways then others...but there is a special place in my heart for all of you. I love you you all for your individual spirit and the way you have touched my heart.

I'm just now realizing how corny this was...just enjoy it.


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