Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The last couple days have been pretty average days with the occaisional mix of highly unusual occurances (another time). As always I've been caught up in school and work. Yesterday I did my Bible lesson and had the idea of temptation and things that go along with that further explained.

When we sin, we are following after the wrong desires of our heart. These desires are not rooted in Christ, but rather in Satan. Satan leads us slowly to the realization of these desires; he builds them up and makes us rationalize them until we make them "okay" in our minds. Satan does this just to pull us further and further away from God. Satan is crafty, he doesn't do this all at once, but little by little he pulls us farther from God.

Kind of makes you think about what the little evil genius Satan is, right?


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Brianna, that is well said. Satan is so subtle too.
