Saturday, May 14, 2011

Words like wine:
Intoxicate my mind

Free me from the oceans
Of lusty emotion.

Good or bad, happy or sad;
Their persistence will drive me mad.

There it is. Finally.
I knew there was an original poem inside of me. Unfortunately, I discovered it like two weeks too late to finish the poetry challenge. Alas. Finding it was wonderful, though, because it was just like that. I found it. I didn't write it, come up with it, or put it together. It just came to my mind, and I found the rest of the words. I discovered it, and discovery is true inspiration. I think there are very few things as wonderful as this. Very few to me, at least.
I love writing fiction because it is always inspired. I never sit down thinking "I'm going to start a story right now", it always comes to me first. I know it's good if I don't have to think much while I'm writing it. If it just flows from me smooth and quick like it's just passing over, passing through. When my mind doesn't get in the way, it's like I'm just bringing the words down to earth from their higher resting place. And it feels so great. I love it.
I watched the movie The Pianist last night. It's a movie about a Polish Jew who played piano like a boss, but was captured, and tortured, and treated like Jews were treated during World War 2. The part that got to me was when he was standing in front of a German soldier, with nothing but his sick, starving self, and the soldier asked him what he did, who he was, the main character (his name is about 400 letters long) told him that he was a pianist. That's all he said. When he was there, with nothing, asked who he was, what he did, he went back to what he loved. What inspired him. Now I don't know if, put in that situation, I would say I'm a writer. Hopefully I'd be on my feet enough to mention my identity in Christ. But whatever I'd say, I love to write, and that is where so much of my joy comes from. When I write from beyond my heart and soul, from the fount that uses me to find its' place on the page, I am doing what I love, and I am so thankful for it.


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