Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oh...I do not know how to face this, but before I say what I am going to say, I just want to make it clear that though everyone always speaks well of the dead, all I say right now, I say in sincerity. Every word I here breath is truth; wonderful and terrible as it all is. And I said it when Mrs. Sample was alive too.
A woman who was like Jesus went to be with Him today. She was very young and full of love. Many good things are to be said of her, but the greatest from my relationship with her is that her sin never touched me. There is no one else who I spent so much time with and whose sin touched me so little. I never heard her say a word in anger, or refuse someone's honest request. Her sin was small, and that was because Jesus was so big in her heart. She was one of my best friends' mother. Mrs. Sample lived the life of a Christian, and she has left the world a better place. She was the mother of three spectacular children, (I am actually only acquainted with her two girls, though all I have heard of her son is positive-I'm sure he's great.) two of whom have dedicated their lives to Christ and the mission field. (Emily is planning to follow in their foot steps.) I feel so honored to have known her. As I weep, my overwhelming emotions are 1) grief and sadness, and 2) thankfulness. I am so thankful that I knew her, so thankful that I always spoke kindly to her, and just recently told her how great I think she is. She was the kind of lady who it was easy to complement. It wasn't weird to tell her great she was, because her greatness (only through Christ) was, big. Finally, I am SO thankful that she raised Emily the way she did. Emily and I challenge each other. Our two faiths are entertwined with-though not dependent upon-each other. This is the work of God: God used Mrs. Sample to indoctrinate Emily with the truth. Praise be. I long for the day that I get to see Emily and her mom together in Heaven, almost as much as I long for it for myself. Oh, to be in the presence of perfect love, and glory. Oh to see my Savior's face, with which Mrs. Sample was well acquainted, if you believe that loving another is truly seeing the face of God.

May those who mourn for her find peace knowing she loved well.
I am sure I will post about this more later, but for now, I need to sleep. And pray.


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