Friday, July 23, 2010

There's a lot here. Like, right here: religions, and cultures, and books, and booze, and light, and transportation. It's all so dang available, and all so custom-made. There are twenty different colours of ten different styles. There are six different flavors for 3 different sizes. There are tall people, and short people, and happy people, and downers. And we are surrounded by this diversity. It is, once again, right here. What if it wasn't, though?
One day this planet has got to run out of oil. There just can't be an endless supply. Maybe there will be a day without taxis or buses or personal vehicles. A day without jet planes; big or small.
No matter which one comes first-my death, or the end of modern travel, there are a few things I want to experience before then, (i.e....)
I want to have flown helicopters over more rural villages than I can name.
I want to have seen life at it's best, I want to have seen life at its worst.
I want to have peed in at least thirteen countries.
I don't want to have spent my time being bored-I want to have been entertained by diversity.
I am going to be sure that I have listened to the music of the world without really listening to the tune stuck in my own head.
I am going see to it that all my relationships with those whose paths have crossed mine are one-hundred percent solid.
I want to be sure and see the things I need to see, and learn the things I need to learn.
I want to have climbed the trees, I want to have flown the kite, I want to have chanted the chanted, I want to have lept the leap, I want to have fought the battle, I want to have kicked the futbol, I want to have believed in the failure, I want to have tagged the skyscraper, I want to have fed off the earth, I want to have painted the sky, I want to have delivered the message, I want to have smelled the exotic flower, I want to have made the choice; I want to have lived the life.


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