Tuesday, May 25, 2010

LOST, LOST, LOST. Oh the things you have put us all through. Seeing how this is the end of it all, I'll try not to complain and hate to much. I mean, after all, without the writers none of the great LOST moments would have happened. So though the ending was nothing spectacular, we can't totally be mad at them.

As for the ending though...sigh...I really can't complain to much (not only for said reasons but also) because it ended focusing on the relationships which, as I posted before, are the heart of the show. We got to see everybody with their loved ones, rejoicing in Heaven or Pergatory or Purgatorio, or Paradiso (however you choose to see it), thankful that all the previous trials had brought them to such a place. Call me an awful fan, but that didn't quite cut it for me. I'm not outraged by the ending, it just wasn't as unique and breath-taking as (most of) the rest of the show was. Not to mention that the end does not justify the means and the means by which the two writers got us to that happy place made little to no sense. I'm still trying to figure it out. Plus it left some of the characters unaccounted for. Shameful.

Having said all that...I must admit I was not angry or in turmoil at the end of the (two and a half hour) episode. I didn't cry (unlike Brianna), but it didn't make me mad. That says something for it. We loved the characters that had died and it was great to see them back together in a way that kinda/sorta/mostly made sense. And there was some decent action towards the end of the episode with the "good" overcoming the evil (always a plus).

The best part was, no doubt, that Hurley got to keep on being his real, island self for who knows how many hundreds of years. Just sayin'.


P.S. So much for blogging more now that school is out.

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