In the next year, I will be performing the Radical Experiment. I started the day after Valentines day, so about a month and a half too late to be a New Years sort of deal, but when the New Year rolls around again, I'll know I'm getting close. Anyway, some dude named David Platt wrote a book called Radical. He is a preacher at some mega church in the U.S. It is kind of weird because I am devoting hours and hours of the next year to this experiment, but I honestly would not recommend the book. Not the whole book at least. I
highly recommend reading the first and last chapters, and praying over the experiment. The rest kind of got on my nerves. Here are the components of the experiment:
-Pray for the entire world in a year(check out the picture of my Christmas presents, under the label "images")
-Read the entire Bible in a year
-Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
-Spend your time in another context
-Commit your life to a multiplying community.
The most challenging of these, so far, have beeen the first two. Oh my. The Bible is one hefty book and reading it takes a whole lot of time. I have had to stop watching the office completely. Sigh. And I have not been to see a movie in theatres ALL YEAR. That is radical for me, ok. RADICAL.
I am most excited about the fourth (JAMAICA and, perhaps, Yakima, Washington) because I love love love that traveling and meeting new people stuff.
But yeah, that is the Radical experiment and I am thankful to have the oppurtunities to take part in each of the six challenges that make it up.