Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Journey> noun
A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a long time.
Rocky> adjective
Full of or abounding in rocks.
A natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2,000 ft. (610 m).
Hike>verb (used without object)
To walk or march a great distance, esp. in rural areas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like.
Sunburn>noun, verb
Inflammation of skin caused by overexposure to the sun.
Return>verb(without object)
To go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state: to return from abroad.
Yeah, we went there. Did that. Got one.
A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a long time.
Rocky> adjective
Full of or abounding in rocks.
A natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2,000 ft. (610 m).
Hike>verb (used without object)
To walk or march a great distance, esp. in rural areas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like.
Sunburn>noun, verb
Inflammation of skin caused by overexposure to the sun.
Return>verb(without object)
To go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state: to return from abroad.
Yeah, we went there. Did that. Got one.
Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm stuck at home all day (another blessing-I am exhausted) and my whole family was gone this morning. I had the house to myself. I didn't know what I was going to do until I turned on my music and started painting. My intention was to paint a picture of a little cabin in a field (emphasis on the lightning bugs) for my "aunt" who is having surgery. That didn't exactly happen. I got carried away by the island music I was listening to (Jack Johnson-hence the tiny pic) and started painting a beach scene-I adore the beach. I painted a little changing room with a purple curtain, and the sand and the sky and the sun, then laid back to let the sand dry so I could add a couple surf boards.
While I laid back I thought about just how great it was. I loved that music. I loved every stroke of the brush I took. I loved the beach that was drying on the canvas.
I knew that God had just given me a taste of heaven, because as I had painted that was the word chugging around my brain like a train on its track: heaven heaven heaven. It wasn't just like heaven, of course, because it wasn't perfect (ha.ha. in no way is that painting perfect!), but it was a taste. An encouragement. My God sent me a taste of perfection. He gave me a taste of the eternal bliss I am striving towards. God had mercy on me. Not only by feeding, clothing, and blessing me with great people every where I turn, but also with something I had specifically asked for: a picture of what's to come.
"Gotta get to the sea-ea-ea. Come along-long-long, gotta get to the sea!"
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I've been thinking about time lately. Time is drifting away just like the clouds rapidly drift away when it is windy. Right now, I'm seeing the clouds of my time practically run by.
I have two years left of high school. Let me say that again, TWO (2!!!) years. Holy crackers and cheese. My life as I know it will be drastically changing in two years. I'm excited, don't get me wrong...but I'm sad. So sad about the people I'll be leaving behind. You see, I've been homeschooled all my life and I've always enjoyed it for the most part, but since these last couple of years I've really loved being homeschooled. I love my friends. I love the people of my class (2012!). I can't tell you how much they mean to me. I am determined to make these next two years of friendship beautiful, lovely friendships. My desire is to have as many as possible stand the test of time. Now, I know that not all of them will last (I'm not naive in that way), but I want to pour into these people's lives. I want to remember be part of their lives.
It's so sad to me when I think about the life after high school...a life without these people. I am looking forward to going out into the world and making new friendships and living my life. I am sad about leaving behind these people who matter to me. These people I've grown up with, I mean really have grown up with them. These friends who make me laugh, you know who you are. These friend who are there when I cry, you know who you are. These people who sometimes just drive me crazy, but without whom life would be drastically different; you probably don't know who you are...but that's okay. Lastly, these friends...these friends who I have grown so closely with that I share and talk so freely with about my hopes, dreams, and my future. I'm going to miss you.
I know this sounds like I'm gonna go off and die, or never see you ever again...but it's been on my heart, and my mind lately. All of you mean the world to me. Some in different ways then others...but there is a special place in my heart for all of you. I love you you all for your individual spirit and the way you have touched my heart.
I'm just now realizing how corny this was...just enjoy it.
I have two years left of high school. Let me say that again, TWO (2!!!) years. Holy crackers and cheese. My life as I know it will be drastically changing in two years. I'm excited, don't get me wrong...but I'm sad. So sad about the people I'll be leaving behind. You see, I've been homeschooled all my life and I've always enjoyed it for the most part, but since these last couple of years I've really loved being homeschooled. I love my friends. I love the people of my class (2012!). I can't tell you how much they mean to me. I am determined to make these next two years of friendship beautiful, lovely friendships. My desire is to have as many as possible stand the test of time. Now, I know that not all of them will last (I'm not naive in that way), but I want to pour into these people's lives. I want to remember be part of their lives.
It's so sad to me when I think about the life after high school...a life without these people. I am looking forward to going out into the world and making new friendships and living my life. I am sad about leaving behind these people who matter to me. These people I've grown up with, I mean really have grown up with them. These friends who make me laugh, you know who you are. These friend who are there when I cry, you know who you are. These people who sometimes just drive me crazy, but without whom life would be drastically different; you probably don't know who you are...but that's okay. Lastly, these friends...these friends who I have grown so closely with that I share and talk so freely with about my hopes, dreams, and my future. I'm going to miss you.
I know this sounds like I'm gonna go off and die, or never see you ever again...but it's been on my heart, and my mind lately. All of you mean the world to me. Some in different ways then others...but there is a special place in my heart for all of you. I love you you all for your individual spirit and the way you have touched my heart.
I'm just now realizing how corny this was...just enjoy it.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
There's a Coldplay song that goes: "If you could see your future/inside a glass of water....".
I often think about that one part of the song. I don't know why it has stuck with me, but it has. I haven't listened to the song in ages, I know that it's on my ipod (hurrah for free downloads), I just don't know what it's called. Anyway, I sing it all the time, I even painted it the other day, but I've never thought about this phrase. If you could see your future, inside a glass of water. Crazy.
Just imagine, there, sitting at a bar (I don't know who drinks water in a bar, or why this vision took place there...), looking down into a glass of water. Clear water. And in it you see your future. Holy smokes. There's your future right in front of you. Its clarity is astounding. Every moment of your future is as clear to you as letters in the dictionary. You can swirl it if you are brave enough, but are you? Does it need to be swirled? Or is every droplet perfectly in place?
What if you saw yourself dying in a car crash tomorrow? Would you swirl the water? Or would you face that terrifying prospect head-on?
What if none of your dreams came true in that glass? What if you see your life ending at the ripe old age of 88, losing a slow battle for your health, never really having accomplished anything? Would you be bold, audacious even, and change the future that has been given you? Or would you be brave and have the grace and faith enough to let it happen the way that it's displayed before your eyes?
I wouldn't swirl it. I wouldn't even look, because death doesn't unnerve me. Life does.
I often think about that one part of the song. I don't know why it has stuck with me, but it has. I haven't listened to the song in ages, I know that it's on my ipod (hurrah for free downloads), I just don't know what it's called. Anyway, I sing it all the time, I even painted it the other day, but I've never thought about this phrase. If you could see your future, inside a glass of water. Crazy.
Just imagine, there, sitting at a bar (I don't know who drinks water in a bar, or why this vision took place there...), looking down into a glass of water. Clear water. And in it you see your future. Holy smokes. There's your future right in front of you. Its clarity is astounding. Every moment of your future is as clear to you as letters in the dictionary. You can swirl it if you are brave enough, but are you? Does it need to be swirled? Or is every droplet perfectly in place?
What if you saw yourself dying in a car crash tomorrow? Would you swirl the water? Or would you face that terrifying prospect head-on?
What if none of your dreams came true in that glass? What if you see your life ending at the ripe old age of 88, losing a slow battle for your health, never really having accomplished anything? Would you be bold, audacious even, and change the future that has been given you? Or would you be brave and have the grace and faith enough to let it happen the way that it's displayed before your eyes?
I wouldn't swirl it. I wouldn't even look, because death doesn't unnerve me. Life does.
Happy June!
Brianna: This month I want to read at least five books. It shouldn't be super difficult, but then again since I'm already so busy it may be really difficult.
I also want to pray for longer than a few minutes. I want to stretch myself. I want to pray deeper than I do, to pray for things that aren't just the obvious things of life.
Lydia: I am going to increase myself physically this June. I want to swim in the mornings, and run in the evenings. Besides climbing the occasional mountain. I hope (and plan to) acheive my goal of 100 laps in our pool (it's pretty small).
I also am going to start working on my sign language so I can make the most of my trip to CCCD (Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf) in January. It's way harder than it sounds, let me tell you. I'm already trying to work on French and working on two different languages is hard enough during the school year. During the summer it's...much harder.
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